How You Can Help
There are many scenarios where PWDs may face difficulties in public spaces and require assistance.
With the help of these guidelines, we can be more confident when interacting and assisting them.
K.I.N.D Gesture

eep a lookout
- They may display signs of disorientation
- They may look dirty or unkempt
- They may ask for food or money

nteract with patience
- Speak softly and slowly to them
- Ask one question at a time and be patient when waiting for a response
- Jog their memory by giving them the names of the nearby landmarks or the name of the location

otice needs and offer help
- Bring them to a place to sit and rest
- Offer a drink or some simple food
- Guide them to check if they have some form of identification or if they can recall their home telephone number

ial for help
- Alert security if found lost in buildings
- Call the police as a last resort. Take note not to tell the elderly that you are doing so as it may alarm them
- Continue to chat with them to provide reassurance until help arrives
C.A.R.E Approach

lear, simple & patient
- Use short and simple sentences
- Maintain a calming and comforting tone
- Speak clearly
- Speak at a slower pace

cknowledge their concerns
- Smile
- Maintain eye contact
- Put them at ease
- Be attentive when listening
- Be prepared to spend more time with them

espectful and reassuring
- Bring them to a quieter location
- Give them time to think and respond
- Use a friendly and caring tone
- Show them care, concern and encouragement

ngage to provide comfort and build trust
- Be friendly
- Maintain a comforting presence
- Build a trusting relationship
- Ask appropriate questions in their preferred language