
About Forget Us Not

“Forget Us Not” is an independent nationwide initiative organised by Lien Foundation, Khoo Teck Puat Hospital and Alzheimer’s Disease Association. It aims to raise awareness of the growing number of persons living with dementia and their unique needs, with an objective to build a community of care where the condition is normalised and accepted as a disability.

Do you

1 in every 10 persons aged 60 years and above has dementia?

1 in every 2 persons above aged 85 years and above has dementia?

At present, there are 82,000 PWD and it is projected that this figure will be > 130,000 by 2030.

Problems with Recent Memory
They may have trouble remembering important dates or events, or ask for the same information over and over again. This can affect their day-to-day activities such as getting around and making purchases.
Problems with Visual Perception
They may not be able to recognise objects and faces. It will also be difficult for them to identify patterns, colours and spaces.
Changes in mood, behaviour & personality
They may have rapid mood swings for no reason, withdraw from group activities, become passive and sleep more than usual. They can become a little insensitive towards others.
Problems with walking & mobility
They may need help with sitting, standing and walking. They may lose their balance and fall more easily.
Misplacing things
They may lose things and be unable to retrace their steps to find them again. Sometimes, they may accuse others of stealing. This may occur more frequently over time.
Confused with places & time
They may be unable to tell the time, or be confused about meal times such as asking for lunch at night. They may be unable to recognise where they are, which will lead to feelings of frustration in unfamiliar or noisy environments. These factors may contribute to them getting lost.
Difficulties in planning & thinking
They may have trouble handling money, paying bills and following instructions, resulting in difficulty in financial transactions. They may also have trouble concentrating and take much longer to do things.
Difficulties in communication
They may struggle to express themselves, and experience problems finding the right word or naming objects. They may also have problems understanding what others are saying to them and may stop conversations with no idea on how to continue. They may also repeat themselves.
Poor judgement & impaired social behaviour
They may not know if it is safe or correct to do certain things. For example, they may give large amounts of money to strangers, pay less attention to grooming or hygiene, or shout and take off their clothes in public.
Difficulties Completing Familiar Tasks
They may have trouble driving to familiar locations, managing a budget, or remembering the rules of a favourite game.